Knock, knock, housekeeping!

Knock, knock, housekeeping!

If you or your partner are like me, (or like the rest of my street on this beautiful Saturday), you may have done a few bundles of laundry, or did some sweeping, or some mopping, or some dishes, or an entire re-organizing, cupboard cleaning, “total-house-spring-clean“.

And while some good-ol “stress relief cleaning” is good for our lockdown-anxiety, I could not stop thinking of my domestic cleaner today and the effect the lockdown has on the domestic cleaning industry.

So I checked in on the legalities surrounding this topic, as staying on the right side of the law is essential and failing to do so could lead to legal disputes at the CCMA after the lockdown.

Keep in mind that employers can determine when their domestic workers must take their annual paid leave, and can ask them to take this leave during the lockdown.

A few tips to keep your “house clean”:

  • Put any agreement with your domestic worker in writing
  • Ensure that your UIF payments are up to date.
  • Support social distancing and assist your employee to rather claim UIF online.
  • Also ensure to give your employee the following important documentation: a copy of their contract, payslips, proof of UIF registration, a written notice if you are unable to pay during the lockdown

As we all try to cut costs and save money, we will have to make difficult decisions, but we should do so with humanity and heart for the sake of our nation.

By Alet Smit | Attorney & Group Marketing Head 

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