Level 3

Level 3

Day 65 of 21 Covid Campaign

With strict lockdown having been announced on 26 March 2020, we have been in lockdown for 65 days!

65 days is also:

5,616,000 seconds  

93,600 minutes  

1560 hours  

9 weeks and 2 days 

17.76% of 2020


Here’s what you can expect under Level 3 Lockdown as from Monday, 1 June: 



You may:

Perform any service, if under Alert Level 3

Travel to and from work

Buy goods or obtain services, except those excluded in Level 3

Move children, as allowed

Exercise between the hours of 06h00 to 18h00

Attend a place of worship attend a school attend a funeral

You must:

Wear a cloth face mask or a homemade item that covers the nose and mouth when in a public space

You may not ordinarily move between provinces, metropolitan areas/districts/hotspots, but you may do so if:

You have to work or provide a level 3 service and you have a permit issued by employer

You have to move to a new residence, care for a family member, you are a student having to travel, you are attending a funeral, obtaining medical treatments, or you are returning to your place of residence from a quarantine of isolation facility



You may move children, even between districts, provided you are in possession of a court order; parenting plan, permit issued by a magistrate



A person may not be evicted during Level 3A court may grant an order for the eviction, but an order of eviction may be stayed and suspended until the last day of the Level 3, unless a court decides that it is not just and equitable to suspend the order until the last day of Level 3



Gyms, cinemas, public parks, beaches, sporting grounds, clubs, casinos, restaurants, hotels, lodges, guest houses are still closed

You may purchase alcohol from licensed suppliers who are registered for both on and off site consumption Monday to Thursday, between 09h00 and 17h00

You may not purchase Tobacco products, e-cigarettes and related products



You may operate a business, unless excluded by regulations (a summary below) and subject to compliance of all health regulations



Restaurants, retail outlets, convenience stores/informal traders for on-site consumption foods

On-site consumption of liquor

Short term letting

Domestic air travel for leisure

Passenger ships for leisure

Conferences, events, including sporting events

Personal care services, including hairdressing, beauty treatments, make-up/nails salons, piercing & tattoo parlours.


Above is an informal summary, please follow the full guidelines here.


We look forward to starting this new journey with you, please don’t hesitate to contact us for any queries.

By Alet Smit I Attorney & Group Head of Marketing

Artwork & Design by Chane Bunning I Group Creative Developer