28 Aug Your website of the month: what’s your new tax return deadline?
SARS has announced new deadlines for the 2018 Tax Season. But do you even need to file an income tax return? If you do, what’s your deadline? Are you a provisional tax payer? Are you struggling to register on eFiling?
Find the answers to all these questions and more on SARS’ “Tax Season 2018 For Individuals” page here, but with this word of warning – even if you aren’t technically required to lodge a return, make sure you aren’t losing out on something by not doing so, like a tax refund or the ability to prove your “Tax Compliance Status”. Remember also that when you’re dealing with tax, the cost of getting anything wrong is high, so don’t be “Penny Wise, Pound Foolish” – seek professional advice and assistance in the slightest doubt!